Differentiate your brand with Intelligent displays

Showcase your unique products and features in any retail environment

Intelligent Display Software Solution

Enhancing Advertising Capabilities through Smart Software

Intelligent display technology is revolutionizing the way businesses advertise their products and services. With its cutting-edge hardware and software, it enables brands to create captivating visual displays that can attract and engage potential customers, achieving greater advertising effectiveness and increasing sales. With features such as data analysis, AI-powered functionality, and cloud-based platform, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences and tailor their advertising to specific customer segments.

Real-time data analysis

Our software enables businesses to analyze customer behavior data in real-time for optimized advertising strategies and increased sales


With our software, businesses can customize their advertising content and templates to improve engagement and conversion rates


Compared to traditional advertising methods, intelligent display software is a cost-effective solution that offers greater targeting capabilities and higher ROI

Interactive Function

Intelligent Display's interactive function enhances customer engagement and provides valuable insights into customer behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their advertising to specific customer segments and achieve greater advertising effectiveness.

Remote Control

Our cloud platform, web site, and app allow businesses to remotely manage and monitor their devices, upload advertising content, and analyze data, making it easier to keep track of their campaigns and make changes when necessary

Cloud Platform

Remotely device Management

Intelligent Display’s cloud platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing and monitoring display devices remotely. The platform is accessible via both web and app, providing businesses with Multi-device synchronization, real-time access to device performance data, content management, and scheduling. The cloud platform is designed to provide businesses with a powerful and user-friendly solution for managing their display devices, enabling them to achieve greater advertising effectiveness and increase sales.

Data Analytics

Understand your consumer

Intelligent Display’s AI-powered data analysis function collects and analyzes customer data to provide valuable insights for businesses to optimize advertising content, improve customer engagement, and increase sales. The software allows tracking of customer behavior, preferences, and demographics to inform advertising strategies. Customized advertising rules and templates can be created to tailor advertising to specific customer segments and achieve greater effectiveness.

AIoT Application

Enhancing Customer Engagement

Intelligent Display’s AIoT application for Android offers businesses a robust platform to oversee and regulate their display devices. With intelligent sensor management, data collection, and display management, firms can optimize advertising content to effectively reach their target audience. By utilizing AI-powered data analysis, businesses can increase advertising effectiveness and gain valuable customer insights.


Frequently Asked Questions